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Volvo Faster (charging) Than Tesla

Volvo is owned by Geely, from China. Geely also own a battery charger technology company called VREMT, and they have developed a world-beating battery and charger:

  • 600kW charger (versus Tesla’s 250kW)
  • 186 miles of charge in 5 minutes (versus Tesla’s 200 miles in 15 minutes)

And it is due in 2023, and presumably Volvo will utilise it. Well, via their Chinese brand called Zeekr, which has been selling its 001 model electric vehicle since 2021. The 001 will be getting the new battery charger (and a new battery), which means it will have a 622 mile range, and rapid charging. Both significantly better than Tesla or any other EV.

On top of the that, the existing 001 does 0-60 mph in 3.8 seconds. And is cheaper than any Tesla.

Cheaper, faster, longer range, quicker to charge…